We have two positions available for CraftGossip.com Editors.
We receive 100s of applications and to be sure you are applying correctly please read everything below. We want to be sure we’re not being inundated with incomplete applicants. To help make applying run smoother we are asking you to please read and make sure your initial application contains all the details below.
If we are interested in taking the interview further we will contact you by the 15th of February.
We are looking for someone who can start blogging by the 1st of March.
1: Indie Crafts Editor
This position is most suited to someone obsessed with Indie Craft Artists and the movement associated with it. You will be required to seek out up to date information about events, crafting trends and online craft stores.
You will need to find an average of 10+ hours a week to fulfill a 5 post minimum (weekly).
This position is a revenue share based income. Based on the blogs current traffic this position is paid around $175 per month with plenty of room for traffic improvement which will increase the income.
The applicant must be confident with blogging (specifically wordpress).
We prefer that the applicant be located in the USA and have access to postal services.
2: Candle Making Editor
This position is most suited to someone who loves candlemaking. You will be required to seek out up to date information about candle making trends, techniques and supplies.
You will need to find an average of 10+ hours a week to fulfill a 5 post minimum (weekly).
This position is a revenue share based income. Based on the blogs current traffic this position is paid around $100 per month with plenty of room for traffic improvement which will increase the income.
The applicant must be confident with blogging (specifically wordpress).
We prefer that the applicant be located in the USA and have access to postal services.
How to Apply – (Remember you must meet the requirements above also)
E-mail the following to [email protected]
Your Crafting Experience –
Your Location –
Your Age –
Your Current Employment Status –
I was a little disappointed that you’re only interested in US editors. I feel there is great room to improve this blog with UK-specific and Australian-specific editors.
I’m equally disappointed, it would be great to increase readership from the southern hemisphere, not to mention of course, Europe. Surely this is logical if revenue is based upon traffic?
Really love your decorations and would really like to join this team to show what I really like to do in life.
I fully agree with the comments made about a non-USA based editor. There are so many amazing crafters around the world that there should be an outlet for more news and views from elsewhere. Also, it appears that more and more of your giveaways are for US-based commentators only which is a great shame. I love this site and it has provided me with huge amounts of inspiration in all the crafts that I do. However, I am UK-based and would like to see more traffic, comments and posts coming from Europe and beyond.
Don’t worry Ladies we will be covering the UK with it’s very own Editor soon 🙂