Sorry about the delay in posts. We moved this week to a new home in a new state!! We’re still surrounded by boxes and what seems to be an eternal unpacking job, but at least we now have the internet!!
The largest independent craft review site since 2007
by Vikram Goyal
Sorry about the delay in posts. We moved this week to a new home in a new state!! We’re still surrounded by boxes and what seems to be an eternal unpacking job, but at least we now have the internet!!
by beth
Sorry about the delay in posts. We moved this week to a new home in a new state!! We’re still surrounded by boxes and what seems to be an eternal unpacking job, but at least we now have the internet!!… Read More...
by jd wolfe (There’s a free pattern for this at the linked site.) NOTE – THIS LINK DOESN’T WORK PROPERLY – BUT WILL IF YOU CUT AND PASTE IT INTO YOUR BROWSER’S ADDRESS BAR. SORRY!
Looking for more Christmas themed Crochet Patterns? …
by SandraW
At Candle Wonder I found this cute musical barbie candle. There are lots of people mad over barbies. I remember playing with them myself but some grow up and still collect them. There are some real retro ones out there … Read More...
by jd wolfe
I think that Fernmonkey’s thoughtful ‘response’ to my recent blog “‘Is Crochet the Red-Headed Stepchild of Knitting?’” deserves to be read by all. So, although I could find no way to contact Fernmonkey personally, I’ve decided to elevate … Read More...
by Laura Nixon
According to the Bank that Blue Moon used to receive cash and credit card payment for the Rockin’ Sock Club 2007.
I can’t believe that a bank actually thought a sock yarn club is a scam, because, after all, no … Read More...
Embroidery is an art that has been around for centuries, and it’s no surprise that it’s making a comeback as a popular hobby. What’s even more interesting is the incorporation of popular movies and TV shows into the embroidery world. … Read More...
It’s been over two years since I last posted on Funky Lunch, and I think we all need a reminder. Have you visited lately? Check out their fun sandwich gallery HERE. And look, they have a book!… Read More...
by Minnie
Bakingdom has made some Doctor Who apron awesomeness and Doctor Who cookies. Her weeping angel cookies are creeping me out!!! I want to eat some!
Her gryffindor apron is also great.
Handmade Doctor Who TARDIS Apron and Doctor Who … Read More...