I got a sweet note from Meri of Agulhas da Meri blog suggesting that I feature Karen Ruane’s lovely work on Contemporary Embroidery blog. Meri says,
Exquisite embroidery! It is worth a detailed observation, I think.
I couldn’t agree more. I check her blog every day! Her work is so delicate, so unique; and her photographs are as breathtaking as her needlework. She’s a stitching goddess. Add her to your blog reader, too, so you don’t miss delicious tidbits such as the gorgeous puffs shown above. Look again. Each puff is about 1 cm in diameter (just under a half-inch). How tiny must those French knots be!
If Karen’s work is new to you, be sure to browse back through her blog to see the variety of works she undertakes and her utterly original approach. Time well spent, I promise.
And thank you, Meri, for the kind reminder.