A funny thing happened today. While in transit, I lost a button on my trousers. The only button that was holding my trousers up and from me being a major embarrassment in an airport!
Luckily, with the help of some fast thinking airline crew, I was able to save some dignity because they found some needle and thread that helped me sew the button back in a toilet and retain some dignity.
While I was hand sewing the button, I was thinking – has the art of hand sewing been lost these days? Do kids these days know that you can actually hand-sew?
Check out the gown pictured above. It was completely hand sewn. And why not! Sewing machines weren’t invented till the mid-19th century.
So how does one get started hand sewing? By not starting out with a gown like that of course :).
Start with these simple projects:
Martha Stewart’s hand sewing practice projects
Pruce’s hand sewing beginners projects
I am happy to state that my hand sewing skills that my mum taught me have kept me in good stead and the button that I sewed, stayed sewn till the end of the flight.
Yet another reason to make sure you always carry a small sewing kit! And especially some safety pins in several sizes, always, always handy things.