View great step-by-step photos to bake and decorate these Halloween cobweb cookies HERE at zoom yummy.
Technorati Tags: Halloween, cookie decorating, royal icing
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View great step-by-step photos to bake and decorate these Halloween cobweb cookies HERE at zoom yummy.
Technorati Tags: Halloween, cookie decorating, royal icing
I have mentioned before how sometimes when I’m not sure what to write about I look up random things to see if there are cross stitch patterns related to them available. I have yet to be disappointed.
My daughter loves the video game Genshin Impact (and I’ve actually bought a Genshin crochet pattern before) so I wanted to look and see what kinds of Genshin Impact cross stitch patterns I could find. Turns out there’s a lot. Of course.
This sweet little collection of characters from Anglus Acus can be stitched all as one big sampler or you can just stitch the individual characters you like. Each character measures 73 by 70 stitches.
For more detailed patterns of various characters, head to 100os Patterns. Shown here is Diluc, designed by Ksenia Novikova, but if you head to their cartoon category you’ll also find Xiao, Kokomi, Raiden, Hu Tao and Venti. Diluc is 109 by 136 stitches and uses 28 colors and five blends. There are full and half stitches as well as French knots and back stitches.
If you’re a fan of the Aranara (and who isn’t?) you can stitch up some forest spirits with this pattern from sirithre. It is 64 by 64 stitches and uses 24 colors including full stitches and back stitch.
Or you can stitch up all the elemental signs with this design from Straight Stitching. The full pattern is about 7 by 7 inches (that’s 17.78 cm) and uses 21 colors, or of course you can just stitch your favorites.
Speaking of elements, Moogs Co has larger designs for each of the elemental symbols worked separately. (Shown here is hydro because I wanted some blue.) The pattern listing doesn’t indicate how big they are but they are circular so they look great in hoops as shown.
And because everyone needs more primos, you’ll also want to stitch up one of these Primogem patterns from The Frosty Needle. The pattern measures 44 by 47 stitches, which comes out to 3 by 3.5 inches/7.56 by 8.89 cm on 14 count fabric.