For glass bead makers The Gathering of the International Society of Glass Beadmakers is the event of the year. Well it’s coming up and if you haven’t gone to one you really need to. I have to say it’s been way too long since I’ve gone to one but every Gathering I did attend was informative and a blast! There are demonstrations and festivities and a bead bazaar and people that love to talk about beads and beadmaking. You’ll learn new techniques and about any new materials and tools that have become available. The more I write the more I wish I was going.
The event is being held in Miami this year which should make for a very tropical event. On-line registration is now closed but you can walk up and register if you like. The event is being held from July 23rd-26th and for all the information you need you can go to their web site at if you can, but if not make sure you attend next years event in Rochester, NY. I know I’ll be there.