Glass is the most important substance to mankind. That’s a pretty bold statement but oh so true. Over at The Atlantic this is one of the things they are pointing out to the rest of us. Corning tells us about it via the Mythbusters guys…but people over look it. So we’re here to shed some light on the subject. You surround yourself with glass. You look through it, eat and drink out of it. How about your phone. Gorilla glass. Almost indestructible, and oh so thin. Fiber optics, fiberglass, art glass, beads, lighting, I could go on. Check out the article. When you read the details of each of the developments and then what they trigger in the way of discoveries. Little things like self awareness with mirrors and viewing the cosmos or the tiniest of lives via lenses. Look around. Enjoy! Glass rules!
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How to make little recycled plastic flowers with a fun surprise tip
I generally think of puff paint or dimensional paint as a kid craft supply but more and more I am finding ways to use it in “adult” art and crafts. These recycled plastic flowers a re made from plastic egg cartons but what really caught my eye was the dimensional paint used to make the center. Brilliant! pop on over to Wikihow for the full tutorial on how to make mini recycled plastic flowers perfect to decorate for Easter.