When I first learned to make glass beads Heather Trimlett was one of my bead idols. Her beads are fun and just read as happy beads. Bright and colorful with stripes and dots and bumps and so cute. Fast forward about 18 years and I had the pleasure of hosting a class she taught at my store. To watch the master work. Still very inspiring and educational. This evening I found myself wandering through her Facebook page after seeing some great pictures she had posted and I came across something very interesting. It’s the 40 bead challenge. Go check it out at her site. Repetition is the best way to get good at what you do. In fact, one of my favorite things to tell a student that wants two beads that match…make 10, two if them will probably match. Keep making and you’ll get better. Let’s see what you can do. I think I’ll take the challenge too.