I found these “Spooky Eyeball Soaps” through Soap Queen You can use these eyeballs when making “Slime Soap” use them as party favours, halloween bag fillers ( instead of candy ) or to just simply wash your hands.
The largest independent craft review site since 2007
Here are some terrific ideas for Halloween crafts to do with the kids and whole family. Ideas to entertain, celebrate and decorate. We have found Halloween decorations, easy crafts and kids costume ideas.
I found these “Spooky Eyeball Soaps” through Soap Queen You can use these eyeballs when making “Slime Soap” use them as party favours, halloween bag fillers ( instead of candy ) or to just simply wash your hands.
by Linda Lanese
Jamielyn, of “I HEART Naptime” host her blog to help women find the time to create by sharing tutorials, ideas and support. She is a wife and mother of two children and lives in sunny Arizona. Jamielyn is sharing … Read More...
Find step-by-steps to make candy-filled pumpkin favors HERE at My Own Ideas. (And for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate for My Own Labels, click HERE.)
It’s been a while since a whoopie pie has graced this blog. Thankfully Cookies and Cups made these timely beauts. Learn to make orange velvet whoopie pie pumpkins HERE at Cookies and Cups.
by Minnie
These individual apple-cranberry pies would be a great Thanksgiving snack. They look fun to make too!
To get you in a creepy, clay Halloween mood here’s a tutorial for witch’s fingers.
Take a look at this tutorial from Cation Designs for a cute cat necklace made of scrap leather and eyelets. Crafted for less than a dollar in parts and scraps on hand, this necklace is adorable!
Looking for more Halloween …
OK, using the word provocative and recycled craft doesn’t happen very often. This is such a simple idea yet totally awesome idea! See Ashley”s take on spiffing up a plain white pumpkin with an old fishnet stocking.
These spiders know what they want. Pumpkin Oreo Cupcakes. And don’t even try to touch them. Make pumpkin Oreo cupcakes topped with cream cheese Oreo frosting and Oreo spiders (that’s a lot of Oreo!) HERE at Ninas Kleiner Food-Blog.
How cute is this little guy? Perfect for singing the Five Little Pumpkins song in a preschool setting. . They also include the lyrics for Did You Ever See a Pumpkin. You can get the carwash gloves at the dollar … Read More...
by Linda Lanese
What child would not love collecting their candy in this bag while trick or treating? Molly of “The Purl Bee” tells us: “The one thing missing from the Halloweens of my youth was a festive candy bag (I just used … Read More...
I came across these inexpensive handmade halloween hand soap dispensers via Oopsey Daisy
These are super cool easy to make and very clever if you ask me. Do not worry about the orange dye not washing off you hands, as … Read More...
Red velvet cupcakes with chocolate horns and tails seems exactly right for devils. Learn to make red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and modeling chocolate devil accoutrements HERE at 6 Bittersweets.
I keep throwing away my eggshells, never once thinking that they could have a future as a ghost! These little eggshell ghosts are adorable and your children can come up with creative ways to make the ghosts faces. Head on … Read More...
by Anne Weaver
Heather from 60Minute Housewife shows how she made a fun candy corn shirt for her daughter for Halloween. She created the candy corn out of craft store pom poms. Cute! She used hot glue to attach all of the pom … Read More...
Another great soap recipe shared with me by Christine from Lather & Lotions . Spiced pumpkin fragrance oil mmmm I have never smelt it before looks like it would smell yummy. I can imagine how creamy and soft the lather … Read More...
Eeew. Something about eyeballs and the fork makes me shudder. Make forked eyeball donut holes HERE at Family Fun.