Mardi Gras is about more than beads and King Cake. There’s a lot of symbolism to the celebration, and it marks a day of fun before the reverence of Lent begins.
There are a lot of different ways to incorporate … Read More...
The largest independent craft review site since 2007
by Sarah White
Mardi Gras is about more than beads and King Cake. There’s a lot of symbolism to the celebration, and it marks a day of fun before the reverence of Lent begins.
There are a lot of different ways to incorporate … Read More...
by Sarah White
There are so many great learning-related activities that can be done with children on Valentine’s Day.
These activities can be a great way to introduce young children to important concepts, such as letters, numbers, and sensory exploration.
When it comes …
by Sarah White
Chinese New Year is coming up soon (Jan. 28, to be exact) and it’s a lot of fun to talk about the traditions surrounding the holiday and to make crafts related to it.
Several times over the years we have …
by Sarah White
Activity centers are a great way to give kids a little something extra to explore in the classroom or as a time filler at home. Centers are perfect for playing with while you’re cooking dinner or writing blog posts, and … Read More...
by Sarah White
It feels like it will probably be a long time before we have any snow where I live (though there is a dim chance we might get a little next week!) but it’s still a lot of fun, once the … Read More...
by Sarah White
This is such a great idea! There are a lot of sensory experiences surrounding the holiday season, so why not make a little five senses book to celebrate them?
The DIY from Life Over Cs includes printables you can use, … Read More...
by Sarah White
Whether you regularly homeschool your preschooler or you just need some activities to celebrate/get through the Thanksgiving holiday time, this preschool homeschool Thanksgiving curriculum from Cutting Tiny Bits is fantastic.
You could just use a couple of ideas — such … Read More...
by Sarah White
Fall is a great time to gather natural materials to using in play, art and learning, and there are a great variety of things you can do with them, from painting on leaves to making collages of natural materials, drawing … Read More...
Our fall dissolving candy is a great visual science experiment which you can also add some math too. You can do more than dissolving candy as well with your left over goodies! Check out our peppermint oobleck, and candy … Read More...
I don’t know a child who doesn’t like to touch slime, even if it’s only once to “See what it feels like”. Here is a roundup of Halloween and Fall inspired slime recipes. Perfect for after school and weekend activities. … Read More...
by Sarah White
Learning letters is one of the basics of early education, and incorporating letters into playful activities is a great way to start kids on the road to learning their letters without a lot of pressure.
The Measured Mom did a …
by Sarah White
I know it’s not technically fall yet but I’m so ready, and there are a lot of great ideas for learning with fall items like leaves and acorns that you should have in mind when the time comes. Here are … Read More...
Don’t throw out that holey pair of jeans! They make for a great quilt and when paired up with a few different fabrics, you can make quite the beauty. Check out this list of 8 patterns to make a denim … Read More...
by Sarah White
Ellen at Cutting Tiny Bites is working her way through a list of 52-plus different weekly unit study themes for preschoolers, and there already a lot of great stuff there (as I write there are 32 themes), whether you’re working … Read More...
by Anne Weaver
Make a bean bag perfect for curling up with a good book, watching TV, or even a quick nap! Petro from Creative Homemaking has a tutorial for sewing this bean bag chair. It looks like a big project, but really … Read More...
We’re about halfway through the Summer vacation. Have you started hearing those dreaded words “Mom, we’re bored!” ? If so, you may want to try out some of these ideas. If not, they may be worth the effort just to … Read More...
You might be surprised that I am writing about a Noisy craft. For those of you who don’t know me I am not a big fan of noise. In fact I believe I have some sensory issues when it comes … Read More...
Use garden rocks to create this fun Rock Cactus pot. A great sensory idea for a kids activity and craft project. You can make these even bigger using large smooth rocks found in creeks.
by Anne Weaver
Large foam stacking blocks are a favorite toy for baby. The blocks are easy for small hands to hold. You can stack them, and when they all come crashing down it’s all soft, no sharp points. Trisha from Making It … Read More...
by Anne Weaver
You can make this tablet or reader stand out of an upcycled jeans leg in just 15 minutes. TeresaDownUnder from Sewn Up shares a tutorial showing how you can make it. If you don’t have a jeans leg in your … Read More...