Kataryna from Chibi Designs shares some photos on her blog, Sew Chibi, showing the ruffled Easter lamb suit she made for her daughter. And since lambs are fluffy, she covered the hooded romper in a rainbow of pastel ruffles. … Read More...
Search Results for: rainbow
DIY Colored Dry Pasta for Kid’s Crafts
On my and my four-year old’s to-do list: Make awesome pasta jewelry in rainbow colors. Created by Hank and Hunt, find the how-tos to color your own dried pasta HERE at Hellobee.
Candy Pops Everywhere!!
The internet is so huge, yet so small. It sometimes even freaks me out when things come full circle or overlap. I made these easy lollipops from Jolly Ranchers HERE, which I can only assume somehow led to another … Read More...
Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies
That happen to also be green. Perfect for St. Patrick’s Day, though I’m already picturing a rainbow of chocolate chip cookies for the rest of the year. Make green chocolate chip cookies HERE at the Dollhouse Bake Shoppe.
Tutorial: Button and ribbon headband
Deb from Two Cheeky Monkeys shares a tutorial on her blog showing how to make a simple ribbon headband covered in buttons. The rainbow of colorful buttons that she used in her example is super cute! Or for a soft … Read More...
Lookie what she made: Extravagent Easter Egg Hunt Dress
Lookie what Kataryna from Chibi Designs and Sew Chibi made her for daughter! It’s her Extravagent Easter Egg Hunt Dress. Wowza! This little dress is packed with color and fun details that kids love! It’s pieced with rainbow colors, and … Read More...
Go, Ben!
Jenny of Stumbles & Stitches posted this rockin hoop on her blog. Did she stitch it? No. The artist is her four-year-old son, Ben, who was inspired to embroider his name in a rainbow of threads. Awe. Some. Yea for … Read More...
St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast and Leprechaun Fruit Snack
It seems like the St. Patrick’s Day ideas are flooding in as we count down to the 17th… Make this lucky rainbow breakfast HERE and this cutie fruit Leprechaun HERE at Kitchen Fun with My 3 Sons.
Cat in the Hat Centerpiece
I just recently posted about a tutorial for how to make rainbow rice. This project is perfect to use that technique, and make a Cat in The Hat centerpiece! You can find the tutorial at DabblerMom.
Gluten-Free Lemon Bars
I’m going to throw something your way I don’t often throw… yep, a recipe. (I mean, a recipe that doesn’t make rainbows or frogs or such things.) But this looks yummy, is gluten-free and vegan and the step-by-step photos are … Read More...
Oodalolly quilt exudes joy
Rachel at Stitched in Color finished this quilt she calls Oodalolly. She explains,
It finishes 56″x 72″, a happy size for cuddling, with one side rainbow riot and the other side minimalist urban zen.
I love that she bound …
Cross Stitch Pot of Gold for St. Patty’s Day
Simple Leprechaun Beard

Green Candy Infused Vodka
Not only is this vodka colorful, and infused with candy, and green for St. Patrick’s Day, but even the candied rims make this sweeter. Plus, you can choose any color candy for any occasion. (Ah, a rainbow of vodka potential.) … Read More...
Suzuko Koseki interview
Julianna at Sewing Under Rainbow recently interviewed quilter, author and fabric designer, Suzuko Koseki, on her blog. Though wildly popular in Japan, she has fans from all over the world. I talked about her book Patchwork Style here. … Read More...
Review: Summer of the Seventeenth Doll
The Queensland Theatre Company (QTC) presents a Belvoir Production, a timeless classic: ‘The Summer of the Seventeenth Doll’. Audience members were pulled by their heartstrings into the unique and painfully haunting story of working class Queenslanders in … Read More...
Shamrock Color Viewer

This craft is so neat because your children can learn their color mixing, as well as the different colors of the rainbow! This project will definitely get you feeling a lit’l Irish! Head on over to Mama’s Little Muse for … Read More...
Colorful Mardi Gras Cupcakes
Yes, finally a super cute use for the rainbow-cupcake-method that goes beyond rainbows. I’m loving these colorful Mardi Gras cupcakes topped with the Mardi Gras mask printables (found here at The TomKat Studio). Find them HERE at Suzie HomeCaker… Read More...
Sew Out Loud QAL and Contest
The Sew Out Loud Quilt Along and Contest is in progress but it’s not too late to join in. Julianna from Sewing Under Rainbow and Joanna at Shape Moth are hosting the online event. There are twelve blocks, the first … Read More...
Mini Hostess SnoBall Cake Pops
And so the mourning over the filing of Chapter 11 by Hostess continues. Keep the homages coming! Make mini SnoBall cake pops HERE at Sugar Swings!. I love the rainbow of colors she used, too. Perhaps a suggestion for … Read More...