Within 20 mins of using this camera I knew I wanted one. (This is a review camera on loan from Sony).
I took around 20-30 photos of my kids and in that time frame not one of them was a bad shot. A week or so later I still have not read the manual but finding it easy to navigate through all the options and scene selections etc. My favorite setting on this camera is the background defocus which allows you to blur out the background and I found this one especially good for close ups of the kids.
What I also liked was the super zoom. It is a pocket camera, yet, it has one of the highest zooms available in the market. 16 times optical zoom! Made for great photographs where the kids were not aware that we were taking their photos (so they could not do silly poses).
There is one big negative though. The charger port is underneath the camera which means I have to either lay it down on it’s lens side or the LCD screen side to charge. You would need to make sure you have a soft clean space for charging this camera. Consider that a valuable lesson that was learnt the hard way (Screen is now scratched, Sorry Sony!).
In a nutshell:
This is a super zoom Sony Camera with a 16.2 megapixels resolution and 16 times optical zoom. It has GPS functionality so you can easily tag and remember where you took your photographs. There are some other cool features like (Backlight correction, 3D images, full HD recording), but if even if you just want an easy to use pocket camera with photographs that look like they were taken with high end SLR model then go for it!
I agree this is currently the best in class, I can’t put mine down. I bought a wall charger on amazon for $10 and now I don’t have to deal with the in camera charging anymore!