the picture above is an example of beautiful glass art. It’s by Steve Immerman of Clearwater Glass Studio. His vast experience working with glass has given a library of knowledge that he shares with you on his tutorial page. Today we’re looking at devitrification. No one wants devitrification on their fused glass. Over at Clearwater Glass Studio Steve has a tutorial that goes over what devit is, how to prevent it and options for what to do if it does occur. For those that don’t know what devitrification is, it’s a crystalization on the surface of the glass that creates a kind of haze or what looks like a film over your pretty glossy glass. Not good. And not easy to get rid of. I know I’ve taken pieces out of the kiln and had my heart sink when I’ve seen the tell-tale signs. It’s not pretty and more important it’s not professional. So here’s the information you need to overcome this glass fusing problem.