I’m a lampworker myself and once in a while my husband likes to give me ideas of what I should make or do with my glass work. While he has some pretty cool ideas, they don’t always grab me.
Today …
The largest independent craft review site since 2007
I’m a lampworker myself and once in a while my husband likes to give me ideas of what I should make or do with my glass work. While he has some pretty cool ideas, they don’t always grab me.
Today …
by jd wolfe
Start your New Year with some time spent online checking out what’s new in the crochet blogosphere. There’s lots of inspiration to be found. Here are some of my new favorites:
http://www.blogcatalog.com/blogs/my-recycled-bags.html has cute ideas and some free …
Craftbits’s honey and ginger face mask is a warm and spicy treat in the chilly winter. Find the recipe and instructions here.
by Linda Lanese
I first found Nicola Brown on Ravelry and fell-in-love with her vessels and really, all of her nuno felting. Nicola is from South East Ireland. If you go to her flickr slideshow you will find how diverse Nicola’s talents are … Read More...
by Terrye
Part of cleaning out my various knitting baskets/boxes/rooms/stashes… involves finding things that I currently have no use for. A lot of these things are new, some slightly used, none will be damaged. They may or may not include books, patterns, … Read More...
Earlier this month I wrote about JilliBean Soup, a new scrapbook manufacturer. Jill, the owner was kind enough to send me some of her products to play with. They don’t disappoint! I love them even more in person! … Read More...
by Minnie
There are so many cool and useful promotional third party tools for Etsy cropping up it’s hard to keep up!
Own The Hour (http://etsy.ownthehour.com/) is the most recent one I’ve noticed.
The Own The Hour home page is a 12 … Read More...
by jd wolfe
http://www.orble.com/free-lastminute-christmas-coaster-crochet-pattern/ (There’s a free pattern for this at the linked site.) NOTE – THIS LINK DOESN’T WORK PROPERLY – BUT WILL IF YOU CUT AND PASTE IT INTO YOUR BROWSER’S ADDRESS BAR. SORRY!
Looking for more Christmas themed Crochet Patterns? …
I am sure we all turn into a bit of a monster at Christmas time right?
I came across this scary delightful amazing character on flickr but you can check out the website
Mealy Monster Land for more information, inspiration …
Try this yummy recipe to make apple pie scented lip balm!
If you need lip balm tins or tubes, Brambleberry is always a great resource for packaging.
by jd wolfe
Check out this website:
Now, she’s just recycling wool sweaters into very useful and attractive projects, but she’s giving me more ideas. I’ve blogged on this topic before. You KNOW how I love the whole notion of recycling crafts. … Read More...
by Terrye
This has to end. I’m declaring to an end to this. What is “this”? The random, willy-nilly casting on of new projects just because I have that yarn in my stash that would be wonderful knit into this, that or … Read More...
by Anne Weaver
Today’s giveaway from BurdaStyle is a copy of the book, Switch Craft: Battery Powered Crafts to Make and Sew. This book includes instructions to make 20 projects that integrate technology into your sewing. To enter, all you have to do … Read More...
Who thought displaying your collections could be considered crafty? I didn’t, but crafting your space is a very big part of being someone who lives their every day in a crafty way. So displaying your collections (in this case, toy … Read More...
Mimi Kirchner‘s tattooed men dolls make me smile and smile and smile. The concept of using toiles to represent tattoos is genius. And the dolls have the Mimi hallmarks of impeccable workmanship combined with irresistable touchability. Mom, if you’re … Read More...
Caroline and Joy from the Studio Calico Design team came up with a huge list of last minute projects.
There’s an adorable paper leaf wreath with instructions on the Chatterbox Blog
Denise LaBorde shows a great idea for Holiday Table … Read More...
In keeping with the reuse of wine theme, you can take that box your wine (or higher end liqour) came in and turn it into a lamp! (source)
by Terrye
Well I looked all over the net and couldn’t find what I needed. So, I did what any crazed idiot sane responsible knitter would do. I took a pattern I liked and adapted it.
These slippers: are from Knitting At …