The Idea Room shares a pair of tutorials for making swim bags from beach towels. Share shares instructions for a drawstring backpack and a sling bag. When she made them, she purchased two towels: one to sew into the bag … Read More...
I saw the crochet hooks this gal made on her website and became immediately enchanted. You will too! Lady Willow and I have been emailing and she graciously offered her tutorials for my blog. So, take advantage of this, all … Read More...
Hybrid Scrapbooking with CVS Photo Center
Available online [] and in-store [Kodak Picture Kiosks], the Photo Center provides photo books and a number of other items that make it easy to combine digital photos with the embellishments and details of traditional scrapbooks.
Sometimes the …
Tutorial: Sew a top from neckties
CraftStylish shows how to make this cool top from a bunch of neckties. They ripped the ties apart (with a seam ripper, of course) to isolate the pretty silk from the bulkier innards. Then, they sewed those strips into a … Read More...
Tutorial: Make a mobile of fabric butterflies
Ellen from The Long Thread shows how to make these awesome fabric butterflies. She made a group of them and then hung them together in a mobile. Get the how-to.
[via Sew, Mama, Sew!]
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Tutorial: Garden tote with many pockets for tools
Dorinda from Flower Girl Designs offers a free tutorial for this garden tote. Look at all those pockets! They’re just what you need to tote your garden tools around. Get the tutorial.
[tags]sewing, tutorial, garden, tote, bag[/tags]
Delica Sample Book Tutorial – Track your colors!
I am passionate about documenting my processes, color forumulas and just about every thing I make. When I came across today’s link I immediately thought, how can I translate that to some of what I work with. I’ve had visions … Read More...
Wet felted vessel pictorial tutorial by Zed of the UK
Zed lives in the UK and she loves color, and textures and when she puts them together colorful textural felt is created. Zed is relatively new to felting, but it appears as if she has many felting techniques well under … Read More...
Tutorial: Drawstring backpack
Chica and Jo post a tutorial for making a simple drawstring backpack. Get the tutorial.
[tags]sewing, tutorial, drawstring, bag, backpack[/tags]
Bargello do’s and don’ts
Check the Bargello Needlepoint blog for an excellent reference list. The do’s and don’ts apply equally well to almost any needlepoint project. See the post.
The color BLACK: A unifying choice
Do you ever get stuck picking out a border color for your quilt top? I know I do, especially when the top has numerous colors and varied fabric styles – descriptive term super-scrappy comes to mind.
This border dilemna is …
Idea Book Reviews
Jill from A Matter of Memories has posted two reviews about recent scrapbooking idea books.
Get Creative With Type by Brian Tippets
The Busy Scrapper by Courtney Walsh
[tags]scrapbooking, idea book, review[/tags]
Sneak peek: Porcelina from Michele D’Amore
Get a sneak peek of Porcelina, Michele D’Amore’s new line for Marcus Fabrics: “The large scale abstract stripe and paisley combine with the gentle movement of swirls and fun flowers, for a contemporary, understated feeling in artful quilts, … Read More...
Lookie what THEY made: Round robin “Sacred Purse”
Yoli’s Sacred Journey shares a photo of a recently completed project that is sacred indeed. It’s called the Sacred Purse, and it’s a round-robin altered purse. This purse has traveled thousands of miles and been touched by many artistic hands … Read More...
Amazing Mosaic Art by Angela Zimek
If you want to see incredible art, click through to the Mosaic Art Sources blog post highlighting Angela Zimek. You will never look at rocks and glass the same way again.
Tutorial: Sew a set of reversible placemats
The How To Gal shows how to make a set of reversible placemats for your table. Make a set, and make eating in a more special event. Get the how-to from The How To Gal.
[via U Create]
[tags]sewing, tutorial, …
Sewing Pattern Tutorial: Sew a drawstring bag for a wine bottle
KojoDesigns shares a tutorial for a drawstring bag for a wine bottle. They say it can be made in 10 minutes or less. Go to the tutorial.
Enhance your photos with Picnik and win!
Picnik is the photo editor that gives anyone the ability to quickly and easily edit, enhance, customize and print their photos from any Internet browser, on any computer—which is an ideal tool for scrapbookers who take their photos with a … Read More...
Book Review: Ancient Modern Polymer Clay and Wire Jewelry
I was recently lucky enough to get a sneak peek at the new book Ancient Modern; Polymer Clay and Wire Jewelry by Ronna Sarvas Weltman, being published by Interweave press. The book can be pre-ordered here.
Featuring artistic, bold, and …
National Scrapbook Day Roundup
Happy National Scrapbook Day! Here’s a list of events happening around the web for you to check out.
The Design Team at Studio Calico is running a series of challenges. Click here to get all the details.
Join the NSD …