Get the lowdown on fabric collage techniques from Nicole Licht (astulabee), whose tutorial recreates her Etsy workshop. Even if you’re new to stitching, she’ll make you want to try this! See the tute.
Tutorial: Fabric collage
Get the lowdown on fabric collage techniques from Nicole Licht (astulabee), whose tutorial recreates her Etsy workshop. Even if you’re new to stitching, she’ll make you want to try this! See the tute.
Neopolitan ice cream scrub
Yum! Another scrumptious tutorial from the Natural Beauty Workshop! This neopolitan ice cream scrub looks good enough to eat. Find the instructions here.
Workshops: New Orleans
The Times-Picayune reported on two local artists giving upcoming workshops. You can read the article here.
Vitrice McMurray will give a workshop next Tuesday on reworking old jewelry into new pieces. Great subject in today’s economy, and great for those of…
Tutorial: Dimensional flower
Allie Aller (Allie’s in Stitches) shows us how to stitch a dimensional flower inspired by 3D blooms on a vintage crazy quilt. You’ll appreciate her photos and meticulous step-by-step explanation. See the tute.
Looking for a supplier …
Tutorial: Dimensional flower
Allie Aller (Allie’s in Stitches) shows us how to stitch a dimensional flower inspired by 3D blooms on a vintage crazy quilt. You’ll appreciate her photos and meticulous step-by-step explanation. See the tute.
Free Good/Bad Angel Bird Graphics used to recycle a plain white t-shirt
Over at this post at Craftside there is a tutorial on how to make iron-ons using this free graphic of good angel and bad angel birds, you know like the ones that sit on your shoulder and help you make … Read More...
Free Good/Bad Angel Bird Graphics used to recycle a plain white t-shirt
Over at this post at Craftside there is a tutorial on how to make iron-ons using this free graphic of good angel and bad angel birds, you know like the ones that sit on your shoulder and help you make decisions.…
Margaret Oomen Fiber Artist
Margaret Oomen of Canada creates the most stunning reconstructed stones. They are so charming and different and she confesses in an interview with “Plush You” that she is very new to crocheting and just picks up a hook and begins. … Read More...
Margaret Oomen Fiber Artist
Margaret Oomen of Canada creates the most stunning reconstructed stones. They are so charming and different and she confesses in an interview with “Plush You” that she is very new to crocheting and just picks up a hook and begins.…
Herb embroidery patterns — and a deal!
Carina (of Carina’s craftblog) created these beautiful herb embroidery patterns, and she’s offering us a deal. Her blog says,
… Read More...Five of them: sage, oregano, parsley, chervil and basil. Available in the shop, of course. This week only (until Sunday)
Herb embroidery patterns — and a deal!
Carina (of Carina’s craftblog) created these beautiful herb embroidery patterns, and she’s offering us a deal. Her blog says,
Five of them: sage, oregano, parsley, chervil and basil. Available in the shop, of course. This week only (until Sunday) you can buy one…
Free embroidery patterns from Sarah Jane
As part of its Month of Hand Sewing series, Sew, Mama, Sew! is featuring special, original embroidery designs from Sara Jane Studios. You’re going to love them! Get the PDF downloads.
Free embroidery patterns from Sarah Jane
As part of its Month of Hand Sewing series, Sew, Mama, Sew! is featuring special, original embroidery designs from Sara Jane Studios. You’re going to love them! Get the PDF downloads.
Free tatting pattern: Mushrooms
Heather Johnston (aka The Tarnished Tatter) is sharing her original mushroom pattern in two sizes. See the pattern.
Blooming CQ seam treatment
I’m in love with this simple but effective seam treament from SharonB’s CQ Detail series. I’ve flipped the image upside down (forgive me, Sharon) to emphasize the flower-bloom quality of this treatment. While it totally works for crazy-quilting, this pattern would…
Free Button Buddies patterns from Wild Olive
Click over to Wild Olive and pick up Mollie‘s free “workshop” for August, Button Buddies Embroidery. Stitch hedgehogs, bunnies, owls, squirrels, bears, and raccoons, each with a pretty spare button as its tummy. Adorable! Get the PDF download.
Free Button Buddies patterns from Wild Olive
Click over to Wild Olive and pick up Mollie’s free “workshop” for August, Button Buddies Embroidery. Stitch hedgehogs, bunnies, owls, squirrels, bears, and raccoons, each with a pretty spare button as its tummy. Adorable! Get the PDF download.
Article: Organise Your Scrap Space
Join Vivien Hughston as she discusses several methods for keeping your scrap space organised. She touches on organising paper and cardstock, and embellishments like chipboard. Click here to go to article.
Article: Organise Your Scrap Space
Join Vivien Hughston as she discusses several methods for keeping your scrap space organised. She touches on organising paper and cardstock, and embellishments like chipboard. Click here to go to article.