Piece by Piece Mosaic Art Exhibit
I just received my invitation in the mail for the Piece by Piece Mosaic Exhibit and I can’t wait to go. It’s going to be held at Bergamot Station which is a great place for art. There are a number … Read More...
Piece by Piece Mosaic Art Exhibit
I just received my invitation in the mail for the Piece by Piece Mosaic Exhibit and I can’t wait to go. It’s going to be held at Bergamot Station which is a great place for art. There are a number of…
Video tutorial: Sewing a blind hem
A blind hem is actually a fairly simple hem to create on your sewing machine. Jennifer from Window-Valence-Patterns.com shows how to do it in a video tutorial. Go to the video tutorial.
[via Picking Up Threads]
[tags]sewing, tutorial, …
Video tutorial: Sewing a blind hem
A blind hem is actually a fairly simple hem to create on your sewing machine. Jennifer from Window-Valence-Patterns.com shows how to do it in a video tutorial. Go to the video tutorial.
[via Picking Up Threads]
…Sewing Tutorial: Make a bunting from vintage hankies
The craft begins shows how to make this sweet bunting from vintage hankies. If you’ve got a collection of vintage hankies, this would be a great way to display them. Get the how-to.
Tutorial: Little girl’s bloomers from vintage hankies…
Tutorial: Make a bunting from vintage hankies
The craft begins shows how to make this sweet bunting from vintage hankies. If you’ve got a collection of vintage hankies, this would be a great way to display them. Get the how-to.
[via Totally Tutorials]
Technorati Tags: sewing, tutorial, vintage, hankie, handkerchief, bunting
…Tutorial: Goofball baby toy
Care from Obsessively Stitching shows how to make a goofball, a soft baby taggy ball. This would make an awesome baby gift! Get the tutorial.
Looking for more Softie toys to sew? Check out these sewing patterns for kids’ … Read More...
Tutorial: Goofball baby toy
Care from Obsessively Stitching shows how to make a goofball, a soft baby taggy ball. This would make an awesome baby gift! Get the tutorial.
[photo from Obsessively Stitching]
Technorati Tags: sewing, tutorial, gooball, softie, ball, taggy, baby, toy
Welcome to the Island of Misfit Patterns!
I found this amazing site called “The Island of Misfit Patterns “ with all free patterns of felted and unfelted bags, hats, mitten, scarves and toys created by people like you and me. I have pictured a couple of free felting…
Tutorial: Make Your Own Stamps with Dimensional Paint

image by Mel's Own Place
Here’s a fun, quick and easy project from Mel’s Own Place , use dimensional paint to make your own small stamps! How clever!
Sneak Peek: Nicey Jane by Heather Bailey
fat quarterShop shows a little sneak peek of the upcoming Nicey Jane line by Heather Bailey, available in two colorways. Cool (shown at the left) uses a pallette of muted blues, greens, and yellows, while the Swell colorway introduces … Read More...
Sneak Peek: Nicey Jane by Heather Bailey
Fat Quarter Shop shows a little sneak peek of the upcoming Nicey Jane line by Heather Bailey, available in two colorways. Cool (shown at the left) uses a pallette of muted blues, greens, and yellows, while the Swell colorway introduces pinks…
Fast Scrapbook Page Inspiration
Fast Scrapbook Page Inspiration
This article from BHG Scrapbooks etc is filled with ideas for creating quick and easy scrapbook pages. Click the link below to read article.
Video: Minibook Tips
Video: Minibook Tips
Check out a free video on Paperclipping all about tips for making minibooks. Click the link below to go to video.
From The Archives: Paperclipping 102 – Minibook Tips | Paperclipping.
Tutorial: Wild Thing hat
“Where the Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak was one of my favorite books as a child, and the story still resonates with me as an adult. Everyone has felt like little Max at some point, a little out of … Read More...
Tutorial: Wild Thing hat
“Where the Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak was one of my favorite books as a child, and the story still resonates with me as an adult. Everyone has felt like little Max at some point, a little out of…
Tutorial: Patchwork camera strap
Fabric Family and Fun shows how you can use charm squares (or any small fabric scraps) to make this pretty patchwork camera strap. Get the how-to.
[photo from Fabric Family and Fun]
[tags]sewing, tutorial, patchwork, camera, strap[/tags]