Mixtape is a craft maga(ZINE) about making time for the small things!
mixtape is a collision of craft, eco-cool and pop culture kitsch.
And we have 5 copies of Issue 9 to giveaway to lucky readers. For your chance to win, tell us (in the comments section below):
How you make time for the small things?
Competition Open Worldwide
Competitions Ends June 8th
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They ship ALL around the world and their articles are written by people all over the world!
Issue 9 (Out June 1st) features articles such as:
Handmade Help
Selvedge Queen: Jodie Carleton
Crafty Lady: Kitty Speer
and a WICKED pull out poster designed by Black Pio
This competition is now closed and the winners will be contacted shortly.
I make time for the small things when my kids are napping or watching their favourite TV shows (like Sesame Street)!
i get up before anyone else in the house and spend a couple of hours with my dog at my feet while my creativity flies with all the quiet
I was finding larger projects took too long to finish, and I wasn’t that fond of storing them, either, but then I discovered ATCs. Artist Trading Cards make up fairly quickly, and are easy to share and trade and store. I can carry the materials to make one in my purse, and be creative whenever I have free time – it makes getting an oil change a lot more fun.
Personally I believe that when we give, we get. But I enjoy the nature around me, so filling my bird feeders and bird baths regularly helps me enjoy the teeming life all around my house; my respite. From the smallest hummingbirds to the largest Pileated Wood Peckers, I am reminded there is beauty in the world just in front of my eyes.
Whether I am reading a book, sitting outside to sip a cup of tea, making dinner and glancing out the kitchen window, I have little reminders of life surviving. Trust me, for a mother of two teenagers, it’s so nice to be able to pause when that awe of nature flits by!
aka Hootie
Making time for the small things? Ah! That is taking a few minutes to revel in awareness. It has taken a lifetime of ‘getting things done’ to learn that those few stolen minutes of stopping and appreciating the things around me revives and energizes. This morning I lay and took a few minutes listening to the sleepy birds waking and welcoming the day. Now I look across the table at my adorable husband and send him a loving word. Yes, small things are the flavor of life.
I think that the small things are overlooked by too many people, so I try to give attention to those small details, after all, it is the small things that really make the difference in the end.
I make time for the little things by not watching tv
it’s really hard to make time…. so i just schedule it along with my daily musts
Please enter my name in your draw. I would love to win this!
To find time for crafting, I do some on my way into work (I take the 6:12 a.m train) and take up two seats to do it. I leave early enough that I can do it.
I craft coming home after my friend gets off half way to my home. If I do it while I am talking to her, I usually screw up.
If we are going some where that will be a long drive, I take my knitting, crocheting or small loom projects and do them in the car.
Wow the magazine sounds wonderful. The little things can really give you a lift.
Tonight while driving home, we all began singing “The Name Game.” (You know…. Etsy, etsy, bo-betsy, banana-nana, fo-fetsy….) My 2 year-old hollered out names for us to sing. She’s an impatient one, and didn’t wait for us to finish one verse before yelling out another. (“Puppy, puppy, bo-buppy…. Mama, Mama, Bo-Bama…”)
Ride home? Nah. Good times. Wouldn’t miss these small wonders for anything.
The ‘small things’ are, to me, what make up the ‘big things’, including life, itself. So, f’r’instance, while I’m doing a ‘big’ job, such as making several gallons worth of fresh fruit salad, I’ll stop to enjoy the fragrance of the each piece fruit I’m preparing, and how the various hues work together to make the dish look appealing. If I’m creating a new piece of art I’ll deliberately pause to experience the texture of the media I’m using, and to drink in the colour choices I’ve made. Of course there are always occasions where time is of the essence and I have to prioritise even my thought processes. But in my every-day, workaday existence, I make the effort to enjoy life to the fullest, and that means being aware of my surroundings and rejoicing in all the beauty that envelops me, and all the opportunities I’m given to appreciate it. I make it a practice to incorporate enough time in scheduling each job, chore, errand or project, so that I can fully appreciate and take joy from all the individual components that go into completing them. To me that’s what really LIVING life is all about. Life IS beautiful.
Use every spare minute, even if it’s just 2 or 3… a button can be sewn on, a cup of tea made and started, a cuddle given, or an I-love-you kiss had.
I try to do at least 15 minutes every day of something creative. I set my timer and then head to where my projects are. If I have a weekend with some time, I make a list of things I want to do duirng the weekend and include “play” time on the list, too. Gotta recharge, you know!
I hardly have any spare time at all. The only way to make time is by taking notes… This way I know I have to clear out my calendar for all that small things to do…
Get a cup of coffee and surf the net for creative ideas. I work 2 jobs and have little time for crafts most of the time. I write down ideas and imagine what I’m going to make one day. Even if I never get around to it.
I make time for the small things when it’s me and my son at the park. Watching him play with friends or by himself makes me happy all over. Sometimes I bring something small to craft with as well.