Over at the web site Glasswithapast.com, you can learn how to take bottles, cut them down, and fuse glass donuts with them. One of the best reasons to check out the tutorial, is that she has tested different thickness of cut pieces and shown their results, which sometimes aren’t the prettiest, still functional, but not perfect. These resulting donuts are great for so many craft projects, such as jewelry or sun catchers/chimes. Since they are made from bottle glass you wouldn’t want to fuse these into other glass projects since you don’t know the glass’ compatibility. Check out the project and then go make something!
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How to make little recycled plastic flowers with a fun surprise tip
I generally think of puff paint or dimensional paint as a kid craft supply but more and more I am finding ways to use it in “adult” art and crafts. These recycled plastic flowers a re made from plastic egg cartons but what really caught my eye was the dimensional paint used to make the center. Brilliant! pop on over to Wikihow for the full tutorial on how to make mini recycled plastic flowers perfect to decorate for Easter.