I received my weekly email newsletter from The Glass Art Society and I needed to share some of the info. First thing I’m posting is about a couple of events tied to the International Society of Glass Bead Makers Gathering coming up in August and the deadlines are approaching. So here goes…
Corning Museum of Glass Adventure with Marshall Hyde and Friends Let glass bead artist and Corning resident Marshall Hyde take you on an
incredible adventure to Corning, New York. Get the VIP treatment by going behind the scenes on tours guided by Curators from the Corning
Museum of Glass (CMOG) and The Director of The Studio. CMOG holds the world’s most extensive collections of art, science, and industrial
glass. Prepare for sensory overload! The trip wouldn’t be complete without a visit to the Finger Lakes region for wine tasting and fabulous
cuisine. All this, and you’ll still make it back in time for Open Torch!
DATE: WEDNESDAY, JULY 28 TIME: 8 AM to 8 PM LOCATION: Hyatt Regency Rochester to Corning and Return via
Private Bus Transportation
COST:$ 65 Per Person (limited space available) First Come, First ConfirmedBasis RESERVATION DEADLINE: JUNE 15
Lunch and an Afternoon with Milon Townsend This rare opportunity includes a studio tour, lunch and demonstration with respected and well-known artist Milon Townsend. Begin the afternoon with a terrific luncheon catered by Milon’s wife, Kiyoko, on the lawn of their beautiful five
acre property in Hilton, NY. If you need to stretch after lunch, you can enjoy the 1.25 mile nature trail.Then, tour Milon’s incredible
‘studios-within-a-studio’ which includes flameworking, kiln casting, cold working, lamination and assembly and photography. He will also
offer a detailed flameworking demonstration of a sculptural piece, as well as show various and unique aspects of the lost wax and kiln
casting process. Imagine…a fantastic lunch, demonstrations that define Milon’s distinctive style and a studio tour all while enjoying the
beautiful scenery – all with the artist!
DATE: WEDNESDAY, JULY 28 TIME: 12 NOON to 4 PM LOCATION: Hyatt RegencyRochester to the Townsend Home and Return via Private Bus Transportation
COST: $ 65 Per Person (limited space available) First Come, First ConfirmedBasis