Chick Puppet Craft
List of Supplies:
- Art paper – white
- Scissors
- Colored craft paper – orange
- Craft glue
- Googly eyes
- Popsicle stick
- Poster color – of your choice
- Feather
– matching color with the poster color.
Step (1)
Place the art paper on a flat surface. Select the poster color you want for the chick puppet and apply it all over the palm and fingers of any one hand. Place and press the painted hand on the art paper quickly before the paint dries. Keep your hand still otherwise the handprint will turn out messy. After a few seconds, carefully take off your hand from the paper.
Step (2)
Use scissors to cut out the painted handprint from the art paper. Simply cut along the outer end of the pattern.
Step (3)
Cut out a small triangle shape and 2 strips from orange colored craft paper. Create accordion folds on the 2 strips.
Step (4)
Glue 2 pieces of yellow colored feather on the cut out handprint pattern. Place the cut out handprint with its fingers facing upwards and glue the feathers on both sides of it (along the thumb and the pinky).
Step (5)
Glue the googly eyes and the triangle shape on the palm area of the handprint pattern; gluing the googly eyes on the top side and the triangle shape right below the eyes. The chick is almost ready.
Step (6)
Attach the handprint chick on the popsicle stick. Glue the 2 accordion fold strips at the back side of the bottom end of the chick puppet.