We work so hard to get our glass projects to turn out right but…that doesn’t always happen, now does it? Case in point. I fused a wonderful piece of glass with the intentions of slumping it into a large platter mold. This is the largest mold I’ve slumped into. I held my breath as I opened the kiln only to see that there were two bubbles between the glass and the mold. a small section on each side had puffed up a bit and the slump wasn’t a good one. This is a 24″ piece of glass so I am not really pleased that this has occurred. So where do I go for some answers? Fusedglass.org. And I found answers. All is not lost. I held the slump too long. I know better now. And the kiln has been put back to work…I’ll report back with a success story and a picture to go along with it!