I love Candles and have even taught candle making classes back in the day BUT since having children my view on them has changed. I was always terrified they would hurt themselves so as soon as they came along I swapped my candles for battery candles. I even have some remote ones I ordered from Santa last year, they lasted about 1 month because the kids kept flicking them on and off pretending they were Harry Potter. As my kids have got older I have considered using real candles more in fact I would love to make some of my own again but they other day my daughter asked if she could light a candle every night for a Christmas countdown which would have been fine. Except my 4 year old got so excited about the “fire” and getting to “burn” the candle that is freaked me out and I hid all the matches LOL.
So to cut a long story short – Why not decorate your battery candles for Christmas time. Glitter Battery Candle Tutorial.