I walked to the grocery store and bought 12 mason jars
to make container candles.
They only cost eight dollars and I like the fact that they have lids so you can put them back on when you’re not using them. That way the scent doesn’t leech out faster than you would like.
They’re one of the easiest candles to make especially when your wicks are pretabbed wicks and you have these wick stickums
to hold them down. They’re two sided round stickers that stick to the tabs so they don’t fly all over the place.
I made vanilla and jasmine scented container candles. To color the vanilla I added about a quarter of a brown dye chip to a pound of soy wax and for the jasmine, I added half a red once they heated up to 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
For the scent, I used solid concentrated scent from Yardley. It says to add an eighth or more so I used a third, since I’m sick of having weak scented candles. We will see how that goes.
I used a little over two pounds of wax and that ended up making three container candles. Since I only had a bit of vanilla and jasmine scented wax left over I made a layered candle with the last one and I think it turned out pretty. This time I was patient and waited for the first layer to completely cool.
I have nine more jars to go and I was going to make some with lavender essential oil but since it’s one in the morning here, I think I will leave them for another day.