Miss Courageous Pop Jewelry & Accessories is building her self a great little product line one lego block at a time (pun very much intended)
Her journals will either inspire you to write something creative down or to build up the front cover with some little lego pieces (not included) Journals $15.00 each.
If your like me though and think lego has more than one place in your home than check out her other lego creations, earrings, business card holders and necklaces.
What’s better than Upcycled Lego? Getting 20% off Miss Courageous store. Exclusive code for CraftGossip readers just use promo code Brick20 for 20% off.
Check out her other etsy store too BuckleUp.etsy.com for upcycled belt buckles.
I sure do love Miss Courageous and all of her fun creations! What will she think of next?