I merely glimpsed this cake and immediately wanted to reach through the computer screen and grab a handful. How easy and colorful and sweet and yummy does this look? Or is it just my chocolate addiction talking? Find the how-tos…
Watermelon Roundup
Watermelon Roundup
Tis the summer season for watermelon, so here’s a roundup of ideas for the sweet fruit (or, if you’re not in the top half of the world and are in the midst of winter, perhaps this may offer a wee … Read More...
Pretty Peppermint Creams
So simple and pretty is this rainbow of sweet, peppermint treats. Find the recipe for creating these peppermint creams here at Domestic Goddess in Training.
Sugar Cube Igloo
Find a clever idea for crafting a sugar cube igloo at Sprout, an idea I found on the wonderful site, “The Crafty Crow.“
Party Favor Slideshow
Find a slideshow of over 30 party favors from Martha Stewart. Some of my favorites: these cookie envelopes of course, these mini lunch boxes, and these old time candy cups.
Fondant Cake Tutorial
Visit Cooking Books for a compilation of great tips and techniques for covering a cake in fondant. (See the post here.)
Contest: Build a Pretzel Rollercoaster!
Design and build a roller coaster made of pretzels and win a trip to Williamsburg VA and the Busch Gardens theme park, thanks to Snyder’s of Hanover. Find the rules HERE, and enter before July 15. (See all of Snyder’s…
Contest: Build a Pretzel Rollercoaster!
Design and build a roller coaster made of pretzels
and win a trip to Williamsburg VA and the Busch Gardens theme park, thanks to Snyder’s of Hanover. Find the rules HERE, and enter before July 15. (See all of Snyder’s … Read More...
Red, White and Blue Dessert Roundup
This weekend is Memorial Day here in the States, so I thought I’d gather some sweet red, white and blue inspiration. Find a slideshow of patriotic desserts HERE at Better Homes and Gardens, such as this parfait or this … Read More...
Red, White and Blue Dessert Roundup
This weekend is Memorial Day here in the States, so I thought I’d gather some sweet red, white and blue inspiration. Find a slideshow of patriotic desserts HERE at Better Homes and Gardens, such as this parfait or this ice cream dessert.…
Know Your Fruity Desserts! (A Lesson from CakeSpy)
CakeSpy has assembled a very handy tutorial on funny named fruity desserts, including descriptions, links to recipes and interesting tidbits for each. What’s the difference between a crisp, cobbler and crumble? Slump, pandowdy, clafouti and buckle? Learn more here.
Know Your Fruity Desserts! (A Lesson from CakeSpy)
CakeSpy has assembled a very handy tutorial on funny named fruity desserts, including descriptions, links to recipes and interesting tidbits for each. What’s the difference between a crisp, cobbler and crumble? Slump, pandowdy, clafouti and buckle? Learn more here… Read More...
Lollypop, Lollypop
Learn how to make your own bright lollypops HERE at Martha Stewart.
Win a $100 Shopping Spree at The Celebration Shoppe
Visit The Hostess with the Mostess blog to enter to win a $100 shopping spree at The Celebration Shoppe, a custom invitation (with crazy cute matching table decor) shop. Find details on how to enter on the Hostess blog HERE. There…
Win a $100 Shopping Spree at The Celebration Shoppe
Visit The Hostess with the Mostess blog to enter to win a $100 shopping spree at The Celebration Shoppe, a custom invitation (with crazy cute matching table decor) shop. Find details on how to enter on the Hostess blog HERE… Read More...
Jell-O Mold Contest
It seems the wonders of the Jell-O mold have been forgotten. It also seems the Gowanus Studio Space is doing something about the dearth of such edible craft in our current time. Enter to win the Jell-O mold competition. Find … Read More...
Jell-O Mold Contest
It seems the wonders of the Jell-O mold have been forgotten. It also seems the Gowanus Studio Space is doing something about the dearth of such edible craft in our current time. Enter to win the Jell-O mold competition. Find details…
Dried Fruit Rings…Literally
I love these gorgeous dried fruit rings, made with the help of a dehydrator, from la prochaine fois. Scroll through the rings for photographic inspiration. Pear and beet shown here. And see more of the fresh and dried photo series…
Free Download from Tangarang: Ice Cream Cone Party Favors
Visit Tangarang for a free download of this cute ice cream cone party favor to fill with fun things. (Find the pdf link here.)