Check out 2 Stews for how-tos on playing with your cookies HERE, with these spiral, bulls eye and dominos cookies. I don’t think I’d get very far playing dominos. I’m sure I’d nibble away my best pieces.
Birthday Candles
Party Perfect has a great roundup of interesting birthday candles, such as this candelabra from Plum Party and these Tag animal candles. See the whole roundup HERE.
Technorati Tags: birthday cake, candles
Inspiration: Lunchbags
Whip Up has a great roundup of lunchbag ideas HERE, including this notebook lunch bag from design*sponge and this fabric lunch bag printed from the book, “Bend the Rules with Fabric,“ on The Storque.
Inspiration: Lunchbags
Whip Up has a great roundup of lunchbag ideas HERE, including this notebook lunch bag from design*sponge and this fabric lunch bag printed from the book, “Bend the Rules with Fabric
,” on The Storque.
[tags]lunch bag, fabric, reusable[/tags]…
C is for Cookie
Find a roundup celebrating cookie alphabets, including a video link to the Cookie Monster classic, “C is for Cookie,” (and that’s good enough for me), and a recipe for maple sugar cookies HERE at Junior Society.
[tags]alphabet, letter, …
C is for Cookie
Find a roundup celebrating cookie alphabets, including a video link to the Cookie Monster classic, “C is for Cookie,” (and that’s good enough for me), and a recipe for maple sugar cookies HERE at Junior Society.
Turn Chocolate and Fruit into Gold
Learn to make gold leaf chocolates and fruits HERE at Cathie Filian.
Turn Chocolate and Fruit into Gold
Learn to make gold leaf chocolates and fruits HERE at Cathie Filian.
[tags]chocolate, fruit, gold leaf[/tags]
Birthday Cake Ideas
Betty Crocker’s site is chock full of ideas and how-tos for birthday cakes, like this robot or this purse.
Technorati Tags: birthday cake, purse, robot
Totoro Treats
Find the how-tos on making these Totoro Rice Krispie treats HERE at Tiny Urban Kitchen. (And see the whole, clever meal from which these Japanese anime characters are only a part HERE.)
Technorati Tags: anime, totoro, rice krispie treats
…Inspiration: PB and J
Find an impossibly big round up of great ideas for peanut butter and jelly HERE at craft jr, including dips, desserts, crepes and more. I think my favorite is this peanut butter and jelly cake.
Technorati Tags: peanut butter and jelly,…
Inspiration: Bento Boxes
Need some bento box inspiration? Wendolonia delivers just that. Just scroll through the collection of “The Week in Bentos” and you’ll find all kinds of fun, healthy, clever, cute, beautifully photographed ideas for packing lunch. And find bento goods in the…
Inspiration: Bento Boxes
Need some bento box inspiration? Wendolonia delivers just that. Just scroll through the collection of “The Week in Bentos” and you’ll find all kinds of fun, healthy, clever, cute, beautifully photographed ideas for packing lunch. And find bento … Read More...
More Halloween (Already)
The Halloween stuff keeps rolling in online, and I can’t resist bombarding you with tricky finds. Expect many more to come, as people are awfully crafty this time o’ year. From Martha: candy pumpkin faces that double as candy jar lids. From…
Rainbow Pasta
Pasta necklaces will be ever so much lovelier in rainbow colors, I think, with this idea I found on Ohdeedoh. Find the step-by-steps HERE at Simply Radiant.
Rainbow Pasta
Pasta necklaces will be ever so much lovelier in rainbow colors, I think, with this idea I found on Ohdeedoh. Find the step-by-steps HERE at Simply Radiant.
[tags]pasta, rainbow, necklace[/tags]
Halloween Cupcakes (Already)
Perhaps I’m being slightly premature, but Better Homes and Gardens has a great slideshow of easy-to-make Halloween cupcakes HERE. May be a good one to bookmark for next month. My favorites: the witch legs and the skelli.
PB and J Flowers
Learn to make these cute peanut butter and jelly flowers HERE at Family Fun.
Technorati Tags: peanut butter and jelly, sandwich, flowers
DIY Gummi Candy
Learn how to make your own gummi candy HERE at She Knows. Once I get my kitchen back (sigh) this is one I’ll definitely try.
Technorati Tags: homemade, gummi candy
DIY Gummi Candy
Learn how to make your own gummi candy HERE at She Knows. Once I get my kitchen back (sigh) this is one I’ll definitely try.
[tags]homemade, gummi candy[/tags]
Making your own gummies has become very popular as it allows … Read More...