For creative inspiration, check out the impressive roundup of gingerbread houses over at Apartment Therapy. Click HERE for the post. Learn more about the picture above of The Farnsworth House in the New York Times.
[tags]gingerbread houses[/tags]
The largest independent craft review site since 2007
For creative inspiration, check out the impressive roundup of gingerbread houses over at Apartment Therapy. Click HERE for the post. Learn more about the picture above of The Farnsworth House in the New York Times.
[tags]gingerbread houses[/tags]
So simple. So cute. Hence why Family Fun is one of my favorite sites for foodie ideas. Find the how-tos HERE.
I have a special fondness and weakness for all things Pepperidge Farm. I grew up on their Goldfish, as is my 2-year old currently, and I have distinct memories of my grandmother always having milano and chessmen cookies in the … Read More...
CakeSpy has done it again. Check out her fab Mad Men gingerbread post HERE, including the recipe and decorating how-tos, at Serious Eats.
[tags]Mad Men, gingerbread[/tags]
What better idea is there to encourage kids to eat their fruit than to merge it with Christmas? Find this kiwi Christmas tree and other kid-friendly goodies, like this eggy snowman, at Little Food Junction.
[tags]snowman, Christmas tree, eggs, …
Find the how-tos for making this cute cupcake menorah HERE at Bright Ideas.
[tags]Hanukkah, cupcakes, menorah[/tags]
As my 2-year old recently discovered “baking” (standing on the kitchen chair helping me spoon stuff and add too many eggs to dough), we’ve made tons of salt dough ornaments this year. But her creations–much as I see them as … Read More...
A visit to the ultimate baker’s dozen challenge is a must for foodies and bakers and bloggers and anyone who likes cookies. 13 food and craft bloggers gathered to post their own cookie creations. (7 of which hid chances to … Read More...
Just a tiny sampling of holiday cocktail ideas from the web:
1. Find 15 cocktails at, like a Santa Hat, Reindeer Martini, and Hot Toddy.
2. Find a recipe for a candy cane cocktail at Let’s Entertain.
3. …
After spending two days decorating a traditional gingerbread house and accompanying family, I can’t get over how much I love love love this twist on the usual: a partridge in a pear tree from not martha. The how-tos are HERE.… Read More...
I’ve been so intrigued by macarons of late (see my prior post here). I bought a macaron cookbook in Paris I’m dying to try but have yet to sit down to translate. Imagine my wonder and glee seeing these beautiful … Read More...
Find instructions on crafting this beautiful garland from gingerbread and dried apples
and oranges HERE at Homemade Mamas.
[tags]dried fruit, garland, Christmas, decorating, gingerbread cookies[/tags]
Another idea for a hot Christmas…a chili pepper wreath. Find the instructions HERE at No Fuss Fabulous.
[tags]chili pepper, Christmas, wreath[/tags]
Find tips on crafting a cookie menorah HERE at Sweet Designs (the blog of the fabulous Amy Atlas).
[tags]Hanukkah, cookies, candles, menorah[/tags]
My 2-year old is obsessed with trains so this is one I should be making for Christmas. Find the instructions on creating a gingerbread train HERE at Family Fun.
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Looking for Christmas themed Cookie Cutters, …
Check out these gorgeous, sparkly lime cookie snowflakes and ornaments at Woman’s Day. Find the how-tos and recipe HERE.
[tags]Christmas cookies, snowflakes, ornaments[/tags]
Lest you be deceived by the name of this particular blog (that is, “edible” crafts), I’ll warn you upfront these gorgeous cupcakes are not edible. But they look so sweet, yummy and perfect, I had to include them here. Find … Read More...
Oh, I wish I had seen these for my marshmallow snowman roundup, but this homemade marshmallow snowman is so crazy cute and perfect, he deserves his own post anyway. Did I mention he’s homemade, too? Find the recipe HERE at… Read More...
Oooohhh, whatta great prize this is. Or maybe I’m just drooling on my computer because my life is devoted mostly to cookies. In honor of their new book, The Cookie Exchange
, the baking giants at Wilton are donating not … Read More...
Check out this fabulous collection of homemade, edible holiday ideas from one of my go-to sites, Our Best Bites. Their list offers goodies from salty to sweet including popcorn, hot fudge sauce, cookies, bread in a jar, seasonings and … Read More...