Wow. I can only imagine the size of the guest list to serve a cake this ginormous. Mohegan Sun Casino created this 17 foot tall world record breaking cake for a bridal showcase. Read more about it HERE.
The largest independent craft review site since 2007
Wow. I can only imagine the size of the guest list to serve a cake this ginormous. Mohegan Sun Casino created this 17 foot tall world record breaking cake for a bridal showcase. Read more about it HERE.
Oh, that sounds so mean, “edible bunny.” Here are some bunny-inspired foods for the season:
1. Find tips on making these bunny cookie pops … Read More...
Check out these how-tos from The Mother Huddle for using marshmallows to encourage kids to brush their teeth. {found via Ohdeedoh}
[tags]teeth, kids, marshmallows[/tags]
Now this is a veggie my 2-year old can get on board with. Learn how to make candy broccoli from the Hello, Cupcake! blog. {found via Be Different…Act Normal}
[tags]candy, vegetables, broccoli, kids[/tags]
First the Alice in Wonderland cupcake eye candy, and now the Star Wars baked goods… Find a roundup of clever cookies from various bakers HERE at OCWeekly. Picture shown from flickr user SweetSugarBelle.
[tags]Star Wars, movie, cookies[/tags]
And these are just the Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum ones! Find more inspiring Alice in Wonderland cupcakes HERE at Three Baking Sheets to the Wind.
[tags]Alice in Wonderland, literature, movie, cupcakes[/tags]
When art and food collide…. Learn how to make this Mondrian pound cake HERE (and learn about Mondrian as well) at Feasting on Art.
[tags]Mondrian, art, pound cake[/tags]
Did you know that pound cake is a type of cake … Read More...
I. Love. This. Cupcake. Stand. And not just because it involves Anthropologie knobs, though it does. But because it’s gorgeous, DIY, looks relatively easy to make, and the plates are interchangeable. Yes. The plates are interchangeable. I love it. Find … Read More...
Learn how to make these cute, kid-friendly bunny pops HERE at From An Igloo. The photo tutorial is easy to follow and, even better, no mold required.
[tags]chocolate, bunny, pops, Easter[/tags]
A collection of Easter Egg ideas from the biggie online mags:
Dress up chocolate eggs with fondant decor with these fabulous ideas and how-tos from the cookie shop. Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head shown here, but click the link to find how-tos for bunnies and chicks, too.
[tags]chocolate, eggs, fondant, …
Check out this tool for making precious little mini wedding cakes (or birthday cakes?). Find the cake pan HERE at Williams-Sonoma
, found on the kitchn.
Find an absolutely perfect tutorial (as in, step-by-step photos, all the lovely details, easy how-tos) on crafting homemade cupcakes with homemade marshmallow fondant icing and homemade flower toppers HERE at Peas Love Carrots. Coincidentally, I juuust posted my own … Read More...
A final roundup of green edibles:
How have I not heard of this brilliant, centuries-old tool? The second I saw these blackbird pie vent
s on the kitchn I started singing “four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie”. The kitchn provide a link for resources … Read More...
Find a slideshow with ideas for dressing up cocktails HERE at {spotted on The Party Dress}
[tags]cocktails, garnish, drinks[/tags]
I have a whole basket of empty baby food jars I’ve been saving for way too long for just the right project. These leprechaun pies in baby jars may be the answer. Find the recipe and how-tos HERE at Blueprint … Read More...
I must credit No Fuss Fabulous for product find: edible easter grass. Who knew this existed? Find the post at No Fuss Fabulous with links to where to buy HERE.
[tags]Easter, grass, nests, eggs, candy[/tags]