It’s that time of year again. Time for Jell-O. The Jell-O Mold Competition. (My how quickly a year flies. It seems like just yesterday I posted on this. And then this featuring last year’s winners.) The competition is held … Read More...
DIY Lime Drink Markers
Here’s a super simple idea to mark guests’ cocktails: carve their initials in their garnish with a zester. Find the idea HERE at Better Homes and Gardens.
Take a look at this Christmas Cocktail Recipe Book we found on … Read More...
Canned Unicorn
Mmmm. Canned unicorn meat
. What could be more lovely? Find this product, “an excellent source of sparkles,” HERE at Think Geek. And I thought unicorn meat was a myth. Like buffalo wings.
Hosting a Rainbow party? Check out these…
Personalized Pot Pies
Whenever I make individual pot pies, I always try to be creative in marking whose is whose with my knife in the crust. I’ve even tried initials, but the jammed knife marks all look the same when they come out … Read More...
Sweet Towns
Butterville? Sugartown? Pack my bags… “Washington DC” is so sour sounding compared to putting these beauts on your return address. Visit CakeSpy for a roundup of supersweet USA town names.
[tags]towns, sweets[/tags]
Party Cakes, no, Wait, Loaves
I just don’t know if I can get behind the party loaf. I think it’s because my corporeal response to seeing a sweet cake totally conflicts with the response after cutting into it and seeing salty things. I can absolutely, … Read More...
Earth Day Treats
Earth Day is the perfect time to celebrate our planet, and what better way to do so than with some delicious, eco-inspired treats? Whether you’re looking to create something colorful, plant-based, or simply … Read More...
Bridal Shower Cheese “Cake”
For a wedding shower appetizer idea, check out this “wedding cake”esque stack of cheese HERE at Southern Living.
[tags]bridal shower, appetizer, cheese, wedding cake[/tags]
Go Green: Foodie Recipes for Glue, Wood Stain and more
More make-it-yourself-from-food home fixes… this time from esprit cabane. Make glue from flour HERE, glue from rice HERE, wood stain from beer HERE and mortar from lime HERE.
[tags]green, ecofriendly, beer, lime, flour, rice, glue, wood … Read More...
Cakeland. And a Quick Study of Decadence and the Grotesque.
As spotted on Craftzine, Scott Hove is taking edible crafts to a new level with his cake sculpture. Though I suppose “edible” is not the best term. “Sculptures and installations resembling perfect delicious cakes,” rather, as these sculptures are … Read More...
Hydrangea Mini Cakes
Rice Krispy Treat Edible Earth
The loveliest thing about the Earth made from Rice Krispie Treats? No waste. Not a crumb. Find the super-easy, kid friendly how-tos HERE at Amanda’s Cookin‘.
[tags]Rice Krispie Treats, Earth Day, food coloring, painting[/tags]
Celebrate Earth Day with Vodka in Your Laundry and Peanut Butter on Your Face
Vodka in your laundry, beer in your hair, cornstarch deodorant, banana shoe shine… Shed the chemicals and go to the kitchen for home and personal remedies in honor of Earth Day this year (April 22). The WebEcoist has a collection … Read More...
Black Forest Forest Cake (not a misprint) and a Giveaway
I am absolutely in awe of this beautiful black forest cake from Desserts for Breakfast. With an actual chocolate forest! Find tips on making the yummy cake HERE, and in honor of the blogger’s photography exhibit, you can enter … Read More...
Roast and Toast Party. And How to Etch Wine Glasses with Cinnamon.
What a fantastic party theme: roasting and toasting. As featured and found HERE on Birthday Girl, find the party details HERE at The City Cradle, such as the s’mores bar and, my favorite, trick, these wine glasses etched … Read More...
Martinis with Orange Swirl Garnish
Visit Grin and Bake It for a yummy sounding Orange Banana Martini recipe and how-tos for making this swirly orange garnish. Check out the post HERE.
[tags]martini, orange, banana, swirl, garnish[/tags]
Foodie Flags of the World
Check out these foodie arrangements of world flags at TrendLand. A dozen countries are represented, and just to add another interesting element, created with foods from the countries. Shown here are Australia, France, and Korea.
[tags]food, world, flags[/tags]
The Raw Colors of Vegetables
Check out this beautiful photographic journey capturing the raw color of food. Pure colors are harvested from vegetables and stained on cards, then categorized. Find the project HERE at Raw Color. Spotted on Design Mom.
[tags]vegetables, color, art[/tags]
Learn to Make Candied Violets
Visit Ciao Chow Linda to learn how to make these beautiful candied violets to decorate cakes and cupcakes. Find the tutorial HERE.
[tags]violets, candied, sugar, cake decorating, edible flowers[/tags]
How to Make Candied Carrot Curls
What a gorgeous alternative to topping carrot cake than the standard piped carrot: candied carrot curls. Find the how-tos for making them HERE at Cupcake Project. And find the recipe for carrot cupcakes with cardamom cream cheese frosting HERE… Read More...