If there’s one thing we scrapbookers and paper crafters have, it’s lots and lots of paper. Let’s get that paper off the page this Halloween by using it to make some simple costumes! Paper is such a versatile medium to work with and is relatively inexpensive too. Which makes it great for making budget Halloween costumes.
I love this pinata costume by Chanel at Camille Styles. Depending on the kind of party you go to it might not be a good idea though! People might actually want to hit you! Perhaps you could walk with a pool noodle for them to use?
Are your kids into superheros? Make them these neat superhero cuffs using toilet paper rolls and paint!
These paper wings made from old music sheets are mind0blowingly gorgeous. There are no instructions, this is pure inspiration from A Glamour affair, but I bet some of you amazing crafters out there could figure out how to do this. If you do, please let me know so I can link you!
Now for two paper doll costume ideas. One of these uses fabric, but I just had to share it too!
On the left the fabric version from Brassy Apple and on the right the all paper version from Slap Dash Mom.
What costumes are you making this year?